Milena Ribeiro Martins

Milena Ribeiro Martins


Milena Ribeiro Martins is an Associate Professor of Brazilian Literature at Federal University of Paraná (Brazil), since 2009. She developed post-doctoral research at University of São Paulo (2015) and has a PhD from University of Campinas (2003). In the History Department at Harvard University, she is studying women writers and their collaboration with an early 20th century newspaper. This research is supported by Capes/PrInt and UFPR, and is supervised by Professor Sidney Chalhoub. Additionally, her broader research interests include Book History, Literary History and Brazilian fiction from the 1920’s. She was the editor of two books on Monteiro Lobato’s works (Lobato na Escola, volumes 1 and 2, 2022) and the co-author of Monteiro Lobato livro a livro (edited by Marisa Lajolo and João Ceccantini), which won the Jabuti Prize in 2008.

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