Vitus Huber

Vitus Huber

Responsable for the project FNS-Ambizione and invited scholar Oriel College, Oxford, UK

Vitus Huber is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Janggen-Poehn Foundation. He received his PhD from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich in 2017. In his dissertation he analyzed the political economy of the conquest of New Spain (Mexico and the Caribbean), carving out the peculiar role of booty and the prime importance of the notion of distributive justice for the expansive dynamics. His book Beute und Conquista. Die politische Ökonomie der Eroberung Neuspaniens (to be published in 2018 with Campus) provides a new explanation for the process of the conquista and of empire building in Spanish-America. He is currently completing his second book, a synthesis on the Spanish conquistadors (forthcoming 2019 with C.H.Beck).

He has taught History in film at the LMU Munich, was awarded several research grants and was a visiting fellow at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, CSIC in Madrid, Colegio de México in Mexico-City, and at the John Carter Brown Library in Providence. He studied History and German Literature and Linguistics in Bern and Valencia.

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