Élodie Giraudier

Élodie Giraudier

Elodie Giraudier
Élodie Giraudier received her PhD in history from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (IHEAL-CREDA) in 2018. In her dissertation based on a multi-archival work and 129 interviews, The Christian Democratic Party in Chile, 1957-2010: From The Third Way to Neoliberalism, she challenged the historiography that asserted that the Chilean PDC trajectory was influenced by social Catholicism and showed that this evolution was more motivated by the Cold War. The first outputs of the PhD had been presented in 15 international conferences and published in 10 articles. In France, she also taught at high schools and at the University of Burgundy. At Harvard, her research focuses on “The US Democrats and American Catholic Support to the Chilean Christian Democracy in the 1960s”. It lies at the intersection of political, religious, diplomatic, international relations and global, transnational history. It also combines religious history and international relations history.

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